This product is NOT affiliated in any way to LinkedIn®, Apple®, Google® - All brands and trademarks rights belong to their rightful owners.

LalaPass Compatible with Apple WalletLalaPass Example ColorsLalaPass Compatible with Google Wallet
LalaPass - Share your LinkedIn® Profile faster than you can Apple Pay! | Product Hunt

Carry your LinkedIn® Profile on your Mobile Wallet! Apple & Google

Pull-up your LinkedIn Profile like you would
with any of your Apple Pay Cards

LalaPass Blue Icon
$ 2.99
Instantly Delivered
LalaPass Black Icon
$ 3.99
Instantly Delivered

Your LinkedIn® profile like any of your Apple Pay Cards

Main Benefits

No Extra App

Delivered to your email.
Just add to wallet and start using.

Faster Networking

Share your LinkedIn® in the way
you use Apple Pay, fast and easy.

No Subscriptions

Delivered to you digitally.
Pay once, yours forever.

Compatible with Apple Wallet IconCompatible with Google Wallet Icon
LalaPass Blue Icon
$ 2.99
Instantly Delivered
LalaPass Black Icon
$ 3.99
Instantly Delivered

This product is NOT affiliated in any way to LinkedIn®, Apple®, Google®.
All brands and trademarks rights belong to their rightful owners.

How to use it?

Double-click your side key and voilà!

LalaPass Closed
LalaPass Invoque
LalaPass Example
LalaPass Blue Icon
$ 2.99
Instantly Delivered
LalaPass Black Icon
$ 3.99
Instantly Delivered


Frequently asked questions

How is this different from sharing my LinkedIn QR Code?

For starters, it’s suppa-fast and easy! Double-tap your phone and your LinkedIn® Profile is ready to share. You wouldn’t believe how many people struggle to find their LinkedIn QR code when they most need them. ‘LalaPass’ solves this by helping you add your LinkedIn® Profile as you would have any other digital wallet cards.

What are the differences between 'Blue' and 'Black'?

It's just the colour. Henry Ford once said "You can have any Model T you'd like as long as it is black." .

Is this an official product of LinkedIn® Apple® Google® or others?

No, no, no. This is a digital product created by an Independent Product Developer called @andresurena and through it's company "Elefant Design LTD" (more about in both Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy). As mentioned, this product is NOT affiliated in any way to LinkedIn®, Apple®, Google®, Webflow, Zapier Inc., Passkit, Typeform (or any other brand or service directly or indirectly). All brands and trademarks rights belong to their rightful owners.

Would using this card share my payment information?

No, when you pull-up your ‘LalaPass’ (your LinkedIn® Profile Card) it will act as any other NON-payment card. This means that is only showing information on-screen and not sharing anything through.

Why ‘LalaPass’?

Basically the domain was free and was the closest I could think of something related to ‘LinkedIn® Pass’–it does also remind me of ‘Lalaland’ and Ryan Gosling dancing away with his ‘LalaPass’.

How we use your data?

We only grab a small number of details in order to produce a ‘LalaPass’. All details are stored momentarily to produce the LalaPass, Send it Over, and then Delete your Details in a week. You can read all about it in our Privacy Policy.

I have an Android Smartphone, will this work with my phone too?

Yes! Giving that you have an App that handles your digital passes. This should be Google Wallet or a third-party pass App like ‘Wallet Passes’ or ‘Pass Wallet’.

I would like to make similar Digital Passes for my Company, can I?

Yes! The minimum order is 20 units at $1.99 each (which would include the company logo on the top-left corner and it's matching background colour). Be aware we'll need your company logo in SVG format (eg. "MyLogo.SVG"). Please click here to fill out this form (you'll need a Gmail / Google Workspace Account) and we'll be in touch!